Board Member Recruitment

The Hillel Lodge LTC Foundation is dedicated to enhancing financial resources to meet the present and future needs of the Residents of the Bess and Moe Greenberg Family Hillel Lodge. Our mission is to provide compassionate long-term care that empowers residents to lead full and engaged lives in a welcoming Jewish environment.

Thanks to the generosity of our donors, the Hillel Lodge LTC Foundation can support the needs of the Lodge beyond what government funding and other community partners are able to provide. Planning for tomorrow's success is a team effort, and board members play an essential role as donors themselves. They help secure gifts, assist with stewarding donors, participate in special events, and act as ambassadors. They provide strategic guidance to the Executive Director and help ensure the success of the Foundation.

The Board is currently searching for 2-3 Directors, including a specific vacancy for a Treasurer. Board meetings are held quarterly, with video conferences as required. Board Directors are expected to attend all board meetings and serve on at least one board committee.

Board Committees

The Hillel Lodge Foundation actively supports a culture of diversity and inclusion and welcomes applications and nominations from individuals who reflect our diverse community across Canada.

Director Qualifications

As a leader, you seek to volunteer with an organization committed to supporting a charity whose critical mission is to enhance the lives of the residents of Bess and Moe Greenberg Family Hillel Lodge of Ottawa. With the combination of your personal commitment and professional expertise, you can help lead the Hillel Lodge Foundation as it navigates the increasing demand for financial contributions in an increasingly competitive fundraising environment.

With your experience, you will have a good understanding of the role of directors and can provide support to the Executive Director. You are willing to act as an ambassador for the Lodge, leveraging your professional and personal networks to enlist support.

Key Qualifications

Speaking with One Voice

The Board, as represented by individual Board directors, speaks with a unified and consistent voice. The Chair generally enunciates positions on behalf of the Board and is then supported and represented publicly by Board directors as agreed upon by the Board.  In coming to the Board’s decisions, Board Directors are expected to participate openly and vigorously in Board discussions to ensure the best, most informed decisions, and choices.  The Board's authority lies with the whole Board, not individual directors.

If you want to join a group of caring community leaders to help guide the management and stewardship of our organization committed to making a positive impact, please submit a CV with a cover letter explaining your interest, experience, and qualifications. Please include information about your business/work experience, academic qualifications, previous board experience, and a track record of community and volunteer activities.

Application deadline: FEBRUARY 17, 2024

Board Member Application